The West

The Soyuz Files featured on Planetary Radio

We couldn’t be more excited! The Soyuz Files, our postcard-and-podcast multimedia story, was featured on The Planetary Society’s Planetary Radio this week.

Host Mat Kaplan delivers in-depth news of space exploration and extraterrestrial science, and this week his topic was “Could the Soviet Union have won the Space Race?” He discussed the viability of that alternate history with space policy expert and historian John Logsdon.

The Soyuz Files was featured in their conversation as a dramatic adaptation of what the news of the time might have been like. Actors Spencer Devlin Howard, Nathan Turner, and Claire Kaplan were heard by over 25,000 online listeners and audiences tuning in to the over 150 radio stations Planetary Radio syndicates to.

The entire Soyuz Files story can be found here, and you can listen to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and via the RSS feed.


The Planetary Society, producer of the show, is Billy Nye the Science Guy’s non-profit advocacy organization for space education and exploration.